Kenwood Press Preparedness Articles
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10 Actions to Help Prepare for Floods and Slides

 1) Have an evacuation plan ready, and be prepared to move animals to safety quickly.

Check local OES and Animal Control hotlines and alert systems for large animal shelter locations, when they become available. Have an evacuation site and alternate route plans

2) Have your READY-KITS READY!

3) If sheltering in place: remove all objects that can float. 

4) Mark gates and fence posts for locating if submerged. Note power line locations!!!

5) Move animals to high ground when possible.

6) Stock up on straw, shavings, wattle, and shovels. Plan ahead for drainage and water diversion.

7) Move animals & people away from vulnerable trees when possible.

8) Place chemicals, feed & supplies above high water locations and keep dry.

9) Have medications, flashlights, headlamps, and first aid all secure and ready.

10) Plan ahead to manage animal manure and urine; work to prevent waste runoff and water contamination.


Stay safe!